Our Ruby on Rails application development competencies

Ability matters. But experience is the one thing we can rely on when making decisions. Having worked on web software and Rails applications for several years, we have developed skills that are hard to replicate.
Our development is efficient and fast
We leverage open source software options, our ecosystem of readily available tools, and an Agile development process to create RoR applications, all of which increase team productivity. By doing so, we can cut expenditures while accelerating web development. The technology behind Ruby on Rails itself is one for quick product development.
Ultimate code quality
We can produce high-quality code because of how well our development process works. With its coding standards, continuous integration, code ownership, automated testing, and other methods targeted at achieving high levels of software quality, Extreme Programming (XP), an agile software development paradigm, is what we use.
Rapid deployment and straightforward infrastructure management
IaC, often known as infrastructure as code, is one of our primary DevOps approaches. This strategy aims to handle configuration scripts similarly to other software systems by keeping them in a source repository. A dynamic architecture like this one makes modifications secure and simple to carry out. The IaC methodology is still used for all of our efforts.
Scalable software
We put into practice an architectural design that enables massively distributed systems. The transition from a monolithic or three-tier architecture to a service-oriented architecture and then to microservices is made simpler by the architectural principles MonolithFirst, Clean Architecture, and Domain-Driven Design.
Proactive defense against weaknesses
We can create hack-resistant apps thanks to the Secure Development Lifecycle, which unifies security best practices across all of our projects. To stop significant attacks like brute force, account hijacking, session-related threats, numerous mistakes, and business logic flaws, we employ Ruby security gems and assessment services.

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